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freeze-thaw test中文是什么意思

用"freeze-thaw test"造句"freeze-thaw test"怎么读"freeze-thaw test" in a sentence


  • 冻融试验
  • 冻熔试验


  • Tests relating to pavements . freezing behaviour of materials treated with hydraulic binders . part 1 : freezing - thawing test of stabilized gravel or sand
  • The thesis analyzes the main reasons of frost damages by freeze - thaw test . in the preface , the thesis introduces concrete structures development and problem in china and other countries
  • In the concrete test cubes damages under freeze thaw cycles , the theory of the frost damages is explained and freeze - thaw test is done . from test results , the thesis analyzes the main reasons of frost damages
  • The heat - resisting test is done under 56 for 30 minutes , 37 for 1 - 7 days , and 4 for 7 days . the freeze - thawing test is : after the ascites fluid is frozened at - 20 , melt it at room temperature naturely , and repeat this for 6 times
    耐热性实验为56 ” c30分钟, 37c保存l ? ? 7天,及4保存7无。耐冻融实验为取腹水于上0冻实后室温下自然融化,反复6次后测效价。
  • Based on the fast freeze - thaw test , the alkaline test , the water immersion test and the wet - thermal test of frp , the influence on frp mechanics behavior caused by aggressive environments are studied , and the causes of degradation of frp behavior are simply analyzed . 5
  • Based on the fast freeze - thaw test , the alkaline resistance test , the water immersion test , the wet thermal exposure test and artificial accelerated aging test , the influence of the corroding environment on the mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymer ( frp ) laminates and adhesive was studied
    摘要通过快速冻融试验、耐碱性试验、浸水试验、湿热暴露试验、人工加速老化试验,研究了腐蚀环境对纤维增强复合材料( frp )的复合体及粘结剂力学性能的影响。
  • South high temperature and wet climate easily leads asphalt pavement to water damage , this writer participated in the guangdong meihe highway asphalt pavement construction , mainly through the asphalt mixture marshall immersion test , splitting freeze - thaw test anylyze asphalt mixture types and asphalt content ' s influences to the water stability , and gives the linear fitting relationship about the soaking remnants stability and freeze - thaw splitting strength and oil - stone ratio . and water stable indicators and the oil - stone ratio ' s second linear fitting relationship , finally stressed asphalt and asphalt amount significance to water stability
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